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Practice Leaflet


Please select the link below to our Practice Leaflet




Patient Participation Group

We have a virtual patient participation group. If you are interested in joining and having your say on how we develop the practice to best suit you please follow us on facebook and watch for our surveys.




Equal Opportunities


This Practice DOES NOT discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.


Violent Patients - Zero Tolerance

The NHS operates a Zero Tolerance Policy with regard to violence and abuse and the practice will remove violent patients from the list with immediate effect in order to safeguard practice staff, patients and other persons and the Police will be informed. The PCT is then responsible for providing further medical care for such patients.



Patient Responsibilities mean:


  • Courtesy to the staff at all times - remember they are working under doctors' orders.

  • Responding in a positive way to questions asked by the reception staff.

  • To attend appointments on time or give the practice adequate notice that they wish to cancel. Someone else could use your appointment!

  • An appointment is for one person only - where another member of the family needs to be seen or discussed, another appointment should be made.

  • Patients should make every effort when consulting the surgery to make best use of nursing and medical time - home visits should be medically justifiable and not requested for social convenience.

  • When patients are asked to give 48 hours notice for repeat prescriptions, please give us this time as it is to allow for accurate prescribing.

  • Out-of-hours calls (e.g. evenings, nights & weekends) should only be requested if they are felt to be truly necessary.


Anyone using verbal abuse or inappropriate language to a member of staff or the public will be asked to leave and find a new doctor. We will notify the patient in writing of their removal from the list and record in the patient's medical records the fact of the removal and circumstances leading to it.


Patients with Particular Needs


Our surgery is accessible to patients using a wheelchair with disabled toilets. We have designated parking spaces reserved for patients displaying a disabled sticker.


Are you a 'Carer?'


For patients who wish their medical information to be available to another member of their family or their carer a consent form can be completed and kept on record at the practice. If you are unsure whether or not you are a carer for someone please speak to a member of our team and discuss your personal situation.




A suggestion box is provided in the reception area for you to place any written comments or suggestions to improve the service we provide. If you prefer you may discuss your suggestions/comments in private with the Practice Manager.


Access to Information


Subject Access Requests- Following Implementation of GDPR (from 25 May 2018)


On 25 May 2018 the current UK Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA 1998) will be fully replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679)


As with the DPA 1998, these new regulations give living individuals the right to request access to personal data held on them by the Practice.  This is known as a Subject Access Request (SAR), the person who will hold data about is known as the Data Subject, in many cases this will be the patient, but could be a staff member, a contractor or contact.


Requests must not always be writing, this includes, letter, e-mail, however verbal requests should be documented, and a clarification letter sent to the patient for approval.  There could also an electronic form for requesters to complete if they prefer.   


Requesters must be either, the patient themselves OR have the written permission of the patient OR have legal responsibility for managing the subject's affairs to access personal information about that person.  It is the requester’s responsibility to satisfy the Practice of their legal authority to act on behalf of the data subject.


The practice must be satisfied of the identity of the requester before we can provide any personal information.


If you need a copy of your record click below, fill in the request form and hand in/ post to the surgery. 




Patient Rights and Responsibilities


You have a right to expect a high standard of medical care from our practice and we will try at all times to provide the very best care possible within the resources available. The Practice aims not to discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, age, disability or sexuality.


In order to assist us in this we require that you take full responsibility for ensuring that you do not abuse the service, e.g. it is your responsibility to ensure that you keep appointments and follow the medical advice given.


Very occasionally a practice/patient relationship breaks down completely. In this situation the patient may choose to register with a different practice. The practice also has the right to remove that patient from their list. This would generally only follow a warning that had failed to remedy the situation.


Changes to Patient Information


It is important to let us know if you have a change of address or telephone number. We also collect smoking and alcohol information for all our patients. If any of your details change please let us know online, by calling us or updating the information the next time you are in the surgery.

Summary Care Record


This is a new system provided by the NHS to assist in patient care. You have the choice to opt out of this service and can complete a form and hand it in to the surgery. For more information see


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